Award winning Journalist, Allison Morris has issued libel proceedings seeking Injunctive relief requiring Eoghan Harris to disclose all fake accounts he has used to harass and defame her on the social media platform, Twitter over a period of months as well as all those other individuals who were involved.
Allison Morris States:
The sustained and obsessive attacks on myself by these accounts occurred at a time and in a manner that was clearly designed to damage my professional reputation. That other journalists were tagged in the abusive posts a tactic designed to spread these dangerous and defamatory allegations to as wide an audience as possible.
As a female journalist and commentator, the posts also had a deeply misogynist tone to them, all too common on social media. Women working in the media are not fair game for those who wish to control every aspect of our profession and dictate who is entitled to a platform.
Claire McKeegan, Partner of Phoenix Law acting for Ms Morris said:
Our client alleges a course of conduct by Mr Harris of persistent trolling and online attacks on her reputation as an independent and impartial journalist.
These sinister and toxic actions from faceless accounts have sadly become a tolerated norm. Those who cause such harm and distress must now be held to account for their online activity which has huge ramifications on the health and wellbeing of those they target.
We have sought full disclosure of each and every targeted account pertaining to Mr Harris directly and from Twitter. Given that no cooperation has been forthcoming we are now asking the Court to exercise its powers to retrieve the data.
For EDITORS: This press release has been issued by Phoenix Law Solicitors, who act for the young person and her mother. Claire McKeegan can be contacted on 02890328383. claire@phoenix-law.org 07712257518