Ms Justice Keegan sitting as the Coroner has today published her findings in respect of the Ballymurphy Inquest. The findings make it clear that the killing of our client’s father at the manse field was disproportionate and without justification.
The Court found that there was no evidence put forward which supported the Military’s original version of events. Crucially, the Court pointed to stark fact that a child who was also in the field on the night in question had been shot.
The evidence as adduced at the inquest confirms that the killing of our client was wholly unjustified.
In addition, the Court has found that the lack of management and preparation for the military operation was a breach of the European Convention of Human Rights.
Today’s decision vindicates the Ballymurphy family’s campaign for truth, justice and accountability. The Court has today corrected the record. Our client, and all the families killed at the Ballymurphy massacre, were innocent victims shot and killed by the Military without justification.
Darragh Mackin, Solicitor for the family of Joseph Murphy reacting to today’s ruling said:
“Today’s ruling is the long-awaited vindication of the families of Ballymurphy. There is no equivocation – all of the families killed at Ballymurphy were entirely innocent.
The British Government should sit up and take note. Today’s ruling epitomises the importance of ensuring truth and accountability for the legacy of the past. Despite their best efforts, any attempt to draw a line in the sand of accountability and impunity is misconceived and seeks to promote no other purpose other than to hide from the truth.
The victims of Ballymurphy have now, almost 50 years later, have established the truth. The truth is their families were entirely innocent who were killed unjustifiably.”
11th May 2021 – For Immediate Release
Instructed by: Janet Donnelly obo Joseph Murphy (Deceased)