Fresh Inquest granted by AGNI following legal challenge into the death of Robert Anderson

The family of a 25-year-old Newry man shot dead by soldiers more than 50 years ago have been granted a fresh inquest into the killing.

Our Gavin Booth acts:

“No family should be denied access to the courts and as of today the courts remain open for business.”

Robert Anderson was one of three men killed by members of the British army in October 1971. Mr Anderson, had been out for a drink with friends Sean Ruddy, 19, and Thomas McLaughlin, 27.

All 3 men were shot and killed during the incident.

Initially, the Northern Ireland’s Attorney General had resisted the granting of a fresh inquest. However, following a legal challenge, her decision has been reversed with a fresh inquest being granted.

The family now hopes that the case can be heard before the Troubles legacy bill, makes its way through Parliament, would end all inquests which have not reached verdict stage.

Mr Booth said: “We believe this inquest can happen.

“The documents are there in Ministry of Defence stores, and they should quickly engage in this process.”

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